Krystale oysters
Exceptional flavoured oysters
You are about to experience the Krystale magic…
Admire the naturally pearlescent shell.
Discover exquisitely unique flavours that bring a sparkle to any occasion.
Savour the sophisticated, festive spirit and smooth yet powerful character.
Taste the voluptuous flesh and delightful marine aroma,
with iodised notes and a delicate sweetness.
Your oyster is a Krystale oyster…

Mini food-lovers’ guide to tasting Krystale oysters
Open your oysters with a firm but careful hand.
Decide whether to serve them alone, with a touch of lemon,
or select one of our recipe suggestions,
ranging from the traditional to the inventive and the quick to the more elaborate to prepare.
Set the table for dinner, an aperitif or a picnic;
both formal or informal presentations work.
Enjoy cold or warm, alone or with an accompaniment.
We wish you Bon appétit!
To obtain our magnificent Krystale oysters

• We breed them with the utmost care in special suspended sacks
• We continue to care for them in small batches to ensure harmonious growth
• We provide them with the optimum nutritional inputs to ensure consistency in flesh and size at every season
• For the finishing touch, we encourage Krystale oysters to collide with each other to strengthen their shell, enhance their mother-of-pearl interior and to produce bigger-than-average oysters with a delicate sweetness.
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